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Can Telemedicine Save The US Healthcare System?

The United States is home to more than 300 million people. With a population of this size, millions get sick every year and need to be seen and treated by a doctor. However, the US healthcare system has many weaknesses that result in suboptimal care for many. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the rise of telemedicine, which allows patients to consult with their doctors through video conferencing without having to arrange for an in-person meeting. Telemedicine has every potential to revolutionize the US healthcare system – and potentially save it from failure.

Let’s look at two weaknesses of the US healthcare system and see how telemedicine can address these problems.

Rising Costs of Healthcare

The cost of healthcare in the US has substantially increased over the years.

The escalating healthcare costs in the US pose a significant financial burden on the average household. The severity of this issue is further underscored by studies revealing that health spending growth is outpacing the growth of the US economy. In 1970, total health spending accounted for 6.9% of GDP; by 2018, this figure had surged to 17.7%. This alarming trend highlights the urgent need for a cost-effective healthcare solution like telemedicine.

The Cost of Telemedicine

Telemedicine, a more convenient and cost-effective alternative to in-person clinical consultations, is helping to combat the rising cost of healthcare. Unlike physical clinics that grapple with the overhead costs of a brick-and-mortar operation, telehealth eliminates the need for additional transportation and parking costs.

Canceling out parking and transportation stresses not only saves patients money but also relieves them of the hassle of traditional healthcare.

Healthcare Inequity

The United States is the third-largest country in the world in terms of area. Because it is also a federation of states, each with its own priorities and resources, healthcare looks vastly different from place to place. Insurance options can also differ across state lines.

This means that healthcare can look completely different based solely on where patients happen to live. When people feel like they are not getting the best healthcare available, they can do one of two things: stay and accept the conditions as they are or travel to a different city or state. Sometimes, patients travel to a different country altogether, where healthcare costs are significantly lower. This is a phenomenon known as ‘medical tourism.’

People shouldn’t have to travel long distances to get basic healthcare. However, traveling isn’t necessarily an option for some patients, especially those who live in rural areas. The COVID-19 pandemic has also made traveling more difficult.

How Telemedicine Helps

Telemedicine offers a powerful solution to this problem by allowing anyone, regardless of their location, to connect with a doctor or specialist who may even be thousands of miles away.

This accessibility empowers patients, giving them greater control over their healthcare choices. While telehealth is not perfect, it significantly reduces the effects that the unequal distribution of healthcare resources can have on patient outcomes, instilling hope for a more equitable healthcare system.


The US healthcare system, with its inherent flaws, is not without hope. Telemedicine has shown promise in alleviating some of these issues.

By reducing costs and increasing access to healthcare, telemedicine holds the potential to address some of the most pressing issues in the US healthcare system, fostering optimism for a more efficient and accessible healthcare future.

Telemedicine Services with QuickMD

Did you know? QuickMD is an online doctor service that allows you to see a specialist wherever you are– without health insurance.

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